Digital Consultancy
Do you know if your website marketing efforts are working? Would you like someone to audit your data, website and campaigns and advise on what’s working and what could be improved?
Digital consultancy for small businesses
We will discuss your business and then I take an analytical and objective look at your digital marketing and advise you on the best approach to drive business growth. I have over 20 years of experience in websites and search marketing across multiple industries from lead generation businesses, to hospitality and e-commerce.
I can provide a remote or in-person half or full day service whereby we discuss your business, look at your data and using those insights we then come up with a strategy in line with your goals, marketing budget and resources available. A fun and informal way to move your small, independent business forward!
For the smaller business looking for tips on how to improve their website leads or those looking to do their own SEO or Google Ads but in need of some advice and guidance on setup and management, I also offer a one hour consultancy Power Hour. Please get in touch to find out more.